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Beer, Wine, or Liquor?
11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
10:00 AM to 10:00 PM

Tell us who you are and how we can reach you.
Name: Phone:

Tell us what we are picking up. Include details such as bottles, cans, sizes, quantities, etc.

Do you need a bag of ice or a bottle of pop?
Let us know and we can stop at a convenience store along the way for just an additional $3.

NOTE: Alcohol deliveries start at $8.63+4%+HST. We are not taking any empties.

Tell us the destination of this delivery.
Apt.: Buzzer:
City: Payment:

Total Delivery is currently Closed.
Our online hours today are 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

NOTE: If you look like you are under 25 years old, our driver WILL ask for valid ID.